Personal Injury

Have you been involved in an accident/ incident in which you have been injured and lost wages and future earnings potential ? l You likely have consulted with legal counsel. A Vocational Expert can help you address the critical issue of wage loss you have regarding your future.

Long Term Disability

Has your Commercial Long Term Disability Insurance Carrier denied your claim or terminate benefits based upon the insurance company's vocational counselor, likely in combination with an insurance company's physician's assessment of your ability to work/ earn wages ? Even if you are represented by legal counsel, you would benefit to hire your own Vocational Expert, who is experienced with LTD claims.

Workers' Compensation

Have you suffered an injury while employed and have your employer's worker's compensation insurance carrier attempt to reduce your benefits, on the grounds that the vocational counselor they hired provided a report to estimate your earning potential. You likely have an attorney representing you, however you can also hire your own Vocational Expert to refute the accuracy/ reliability of the carrier's sponsored vocational opinion.

Social Security Disability/ SSI

Do you have your long awaited Social Security Disability or SSI hearing scheduled ? You likely have retained an attorney to assist in representing you at your hearing. A Vocational Expert with years of experience in this area, can provide you with an Expert Vocational Analysis and possibly participate in your hearing via telephone, to assist your attorney in a thorough representation in your claim.

Family Law

Are you involved in disputed alimony or child support due to divorce proceedings ? You likely are represented by legal counsel. An experienced Vocational Expert can provide a detailed analysis of your or your estranged partner's earning capacity, when this factor is at issue.
This report can assist you in the court's decision regarding either you or your former significant other's earning capacity.