Are You Interested in Returning to Work After an Injury?

Worker's Compensation Law varys from one state to another. The law in New Jersey does not provide for Vocational Rehabilitation as a service to injured workers, as it does in Maryland for example. 

Once an injured worker reaches Maximum Medical Improvement, there employer may or may not have work available within the injured worker's restrictions. 

All states have a State agency for Vocational Rehabilitation. The NJ Division of Vocational Rehabiitation is the state agency which an injured worker can access a comprehensive range of vocational services which are outlined in the attached article. Since many injured workers are not interested in "retiring" or attempting to obtain Social Security Disability. In my experience as a Vocational Case Manager in worker's compensation since 1993, I have found a limited awareness by injured workers of their state agency for vocational rehabilitation. I have found very few attorneys representing injured workers being knowledgeable concerning state agency vocational services being available for their clients. 

The NJ Division of Vocational Rehabilitation has offices in several locations throughout the state as detailed in the attached. One needs to contact the office responsible for the county in which one resides to schedule an appointment and furnish copies of pertinant medical, educational and related records. 

Click here to access the attached PDF.